All posts tagged: averland standard

Painting Fever. August-October 2017

Recent months were crazy busy for me. No matter what though – there was always free time to sit down by my desk and paint a model or two. Here’s the summary of my works from last three months. Glart Smashrip O.M.G. This fat rat is probably one of the most awesome miniatures ever released. The wickedness of this model is epic. And I’m telling you this as a big time Skaven fan. No objectivity here -just pure blind affection! Glart is fat. Glart is too fat, in fact. How’s he playing Blood Bowl is a mystery for me. He definitely has the strength, but very little speed and stamina;). The model itself represents, in my opinion, how the higher class of Skaven society could look like. I can seeĀ  fat Grey Seer or Warlock Engineer of Clan Skryre. Eating warpstone all day – everyrat would gain a few kilos on a diet like that, right? Too bad GW hasn’t released anything like that. Thankfully there’s Glart. I got him during the visit in Warhammer …