All posts filed under: Warhammer Fantasy

2019 Update

Well, that was a busy year, hobbywise. As usual, I guess… I got into way too many projects (both-personal and commissioned), and I was forced to balance everything. Hobby, work, family, travels… wrrr… And at the end, I found no time and place in my head to update this thing. I had no intention to abandon the blog for good, and I won’t, but probably it’s intended no to be updated so often… Shame on me:( …there will be updates though. Mostly about my recent painting jobs. No time for reports or other stuff. Too many things on my head… From now on, mostly photos and such… So what’s new on my side: Skaven   Wood Elves Goblins Necromunda Gang Escher … I painted definitely more stuff in 2019. I added most of it to The Gallery section of the blog.  For more often updates please follow me on Twitter and Instagram. Thank you:)

3rd Polish Oldhammer Weekend (20-21.10.2018) report

This is something! 3rd year in a row we’re doing this. And it’s still kicking! Polish annual Oldhammer Weekend. This time we moved to Katowice to Inny Wymiar gaming store and club (eng. Another Dimension) for two days (20-21. October 2018). This is really huge deal for me, being part of it. And despite, it’s not entirely Oldhammer /ruleswise, minitureswise), the weekend is always something huge and worth to wait entire year for it. During the weekend we play Warhamer Fantasy 5th edition. Whole weekend is dedicated to it – several scenarios, organised in a campaign. With such approach – the games are handled to the players by the organisers. Restrictions – such as WYSIWYG or friendly reminder that we are adults and we should have all our minis painted (no exceptions!) shouldn’t be things to worry about… But, some folks in Poland still think Warhammer is not about making your armies fancy, and they want to play with pure lead or plastic. On this event we would like to remind everything what’ s exactly …

A Tale of Seven Gamers – Stage One completed

Yay! I made it! I completed the first stage of local painting challenge we organized at the end of the October. The goal was simple: to complete 500 army points until the end of January 2019. To check all the rules of our game, check this link. …and I did it, no sweat;). The road was a bit bumpy. First of all, the models I pledged to the challenge arrived to me December 18th 2018. The second, Christmas season is crazy time for me filled with other obligations. So called, serious (you can call it: not hobby related) obligations. The third, I was between my journey to Thailand and my next trip to Vietnam.  Basically, that two weeks were all about cleaning, assembling, priming and prepering my hobby kit for another trip. And believe me, it’s really time consuming. Anyway, I beat those odds, and I’m here to brag with my creations. Glaxo Slimslom. The Goblin King Oh, bow before your King! The Everking of all goblins, The Ruler of Old World, The Liberator of …

Personal projects tab

For the last couple of years I was working on a few personal projects of mine. And some of them are at certain stages of completion. So, instead to write several posts with the pictures and full description – I decided to set up separate tabs on the header menu. Each tab will lead you to the site about one of my projects. Pictures and background story. It’s going to be all there. Gathered in one place and easier to find. For starters – My Warhammer Fantasy Altdorf army. Here’s the link. Of course , it’s an on going thing. There are so many miniatures in my storage still waiting to be painted and I plan to do so. Next in line to cover are: Imperial Fists for Warhammer 40000 and Chaos for Warhammer Fantasy. I’ll inform you about any updates in separate posts. Cheers!

Bring Out Your Lead 2018 report

I should write this a long, long time ago. Around August, right after the BOYL, I guess. As always though, I procrastinated a bit, I thrown myself into other stuff and one thing leads to another and there’s December all of the sudden, and the review of the best annual Oldhammer event is not done yet… Better late than never, they say… so here it is. My review of Bring Out Your Lead Oldhammer Weekend 2018. The Weekender was held at Foundry grounds near Newark-on-Trent, UK (3-5th August) and it was my 2nd time I had the chance to be there /not the last for sure!/ Oh, man that was awesome. The echo of the weekend still, even after a few months, ringing in my head. The lads, miniatures, games. That was wicked! And the next edition is in 8 months or so, and I’m already involved in BOYL preparations. I think, my life’s cycle has changed permanently. Every years will be divided into to parts – pre and after – BOYL. …but back to …

The Greenskinz are coming!

The painting challenge, I got into, is about to start, so it’s time to reveal my intentions. I got several unpainted armies in different states of completion. All miniatures are stored in boxes, cases or drawers, carefully organised by theme. There, are Undead, Dwarfs, Chaos, Chaos Dwarfs,  Space Orks…and a few more… they all should get my full attention one by one, slowly making a pile of unpainted lead a little bit smaller, but no… what I do?! I add another thing to the pile…Here I am -a self destructive hoarder 😉 It’s helpless case, so I don’t even pretend I’m able to do something with that. Luckily for me it’s not the point here. Instead let’s focus on my next big thing: The Waaghnificent Green Horde To be honest I always wanted to do this. And recently a few thighs happened that triggered the start. First, I mentioned the challenge I’m in – click here do read more about it. This is about painting honour. No retreat. Second, personal matter. Horde vs horde. My …

2nd Polish Oldhammer Weekend 2017. The report

At the end of October I had the pleasure to organize the event – 2nd Polish Oldhammer Weekend. I was prepering for this event for months. Preparing fluff and scenarios. Getting all together to be a proper narrative campaign with nice background story. Ton of work. The Weekend 21-22th October 2017 was a grand final of these preparations. The Weekend I was waiting for full year, since the 1st Polish Oldhammer Weekend in 2016. And it was all worth it, I tell you that. Great deal for all participants. When it come to rules, it had nothing to do with Oldhammer. We played 5th edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battle (so,technically Middlehammer, by definition). I’m quite aware that the name maybe misleading. Some, may be even offended that we suggest the fifth edition is Oldhammer. Don’t be. The thing is, from our Polish perspective, 3rd edition or older is barely alive. Handfull of players, and basically no awareness. Games Workshop products arrived to our country in mid 1990s (I started to collect miniatures in 1994) and …

Painting Fever. August-October 2017

Recent months were crazy busy for me. No matter what though – there was always free time to sit down by my desk and paint a model or two. Here’s the summary of my works from last three months. Glart Smashrip O.M.G. This fat rat is probably one of the most awesome miniatures ever released. The wickedness of this model is epic. And I’m telling you this as a big time Skaven fan. No objectivity here -just pure blind affection! Glart is fat. Glart is too fat, in fact. How’s he playing Blood Bowl is a mystery for me. He definitely has the strength, but very little speed and stamina;). The model itself represents, in my opinion, how the higher class of Skaven society could look like. I can see  fat Grey Seer or Warlock Engineer of Clan Skryre. Eating warpstone all day – everyrat would gain a few kilos on a diet like that, right? Too bad GW hasn’t released anything like that. Thankfully there’s Glart. I got him during the visit in Warhammer …

For Altdorf. A little update for Empire army.

Oh, that was a long time since I  presented my recent painting efforts here. And it’s not that I didn’t want to, but seriously, September and October was a crazy busy time for me. First, I had a ton of work in my day job. Second, I moved back to Poland (by a car. God bless my good ol’ Nissan Micra. Oh, yes. It’s manageable. But don’t ask how:). Third, there was a pile of miniatures I was painting on commission. And finally, fourth – I need to write a crazy amount of content for Polish Oldhammer Weekend. It took me ages, to arrange all scenarios, rules and background. However, it was all worth it. The review – coming soon. …but, no matter what, I did found a spare time to paint something extra for one of my personal projects. At the moment, my Warhammer Fantasy Empire Altdorf Army is still number one. There are a few models I need to paint, and few corrections I need to make to some already finished. But I’m …

2nd Polish Oldhammer Weekend 21-22th October 2017. Warsaw

Another radio silence on my blog. However, I have a pretty good reason for that. Last year I got involved all of the sudden into a organisation of Polish Oldhammer Weekend. And this year, once again I went for it. With a group of friends we are doing it. And I tell you, it involved a substantial amount of work and creativity. Not so much time left for painting (definitely slower tempo in this area) and for regular blogging. But, man! I wrote so much content for this in recent weeks, that my brain hurts. And there’s a lot to be prepared. First of all, the whole weekend will be constructed as big narrative campaign with lots of battles, plots and twists where all players will be involved. First day will be a set of battles where the players will gaining bonuses for the day two. And day two, little bit easier on the rules and restrictions, but bringing a ton of joy. Day two will be a grand finale – all players on one …