All posts tagged: boyl 2018

Bring Out Your Lead 2018 report

I should write this a long, long time ago. Around August, right after the BOYL, I guess. As always though, I procrastinated a bit, I thrown myself into other stuff and one thing leads to another and there’s December all of the sudden, and the review of the best annual Oldhammer event is not done yet… Better late than never, they say… so here it is. My review of Bring Out Your Lead Oldhammer Weekend 2018. The Weekender was held at Foundry grounds near Newark-on-Trent, UK (3-5th August) and it was my 2nd time I had the chance to be there /not the last for sure!/ Oh, man that was awesome. The echo of the weekend still, even after a few months, ringing in my head. The lads, miniatures, games. That was wicked! And the next edition is in 8 months or so, and I’m already involved in BOYL preparations. I think, my life’s cycle has changed permanently. Every years will be divided into to parts – pre and after – BOYL. …but back to …