All posts tagged: dark angels

Painting Fever. Volume 2

Ok. Time to sum up achievements of last few days. Well, more like weeks – because besideĀ  few finishing touches on Queek Headtaker I haven’t painted in most efficient way. Two weeks and only 3 miniatures painted. Well, it could be better if you ask me, but still better this than nothing, right? šŸ™‚ Today, I’d like to show you 3 models I was working on during past two weeks. Each of these three models is different and was chosen carefully to practice blending techniques with various selection of colours. On the other hand, if I would focus my efforts on one of my personal projects, the progress will be significant. The thing is, it would boring as hell. Diversification is the key. I paint what I would like to paint it particular moment – not what I must paint. So, three more models painted. Whenever I’m about to write the summary post like that, I feel like I’m little bit closer to completion. As long as I don’t acquire new models, the number unpainted …

Battle Report: Warhammer 40k – Blood Angels vs Dark Angels (1500 points)

It’s been some time since the last battle report I wrote and I must say, I really missed that:). The next battle – Warhammer 40000 Blood Angels vs Jan’s Dark Angles 1500 points was part of our local narrative campaign – Fading Suns of Corinth Sector. First of the series of 6 to 8 battles. The story so far: Ancient race of Necrons set up their mysterious machinery that require massive amounts of power. Star after star was drained of the energy to fuel up the device. Mystery of fadingĀ  suns of Corinth caught attention of wise men from all over Empire. Several Space Marines chapters were sent to investigate. Greenskins followed them, hoping forĀ  good fight…and Chaos… they have their own secret agenda there… Scenario My Blood Angels faced Dark Angels in the first turn of the campaign. 1500 points. Battle Forged Armies. Blood Angels defend in this battle. 50% of the army set up normally in the deployment zone. Second half is in the reserves and enter form the second turn with usual …