All posts filed under: Discworld Miniatures

December Painting Fever

Another batch of miniatures for sale ready. As usual in my summaries – I’m posting pictures and little ‘about’ text of three models I’ve painted recently. The first is… Adeptus Mechanicus Tech-Priest Dominus When Adeptus Mechanicus and Skitarii Codexes Wwarhammer 40000) were released I was super excited. Plus those awesome models! I was all into it, having uncontrolled urge to collect another army. Well, thankfully for my budget I got back to my senses, and I gave up on the idea. But a few months ago I had finished ‘Mechanicum’  book from Horus Heresy series and I got Mars fever all over again. This time I was pretty sure, there’s is not even slight chance to go for Mechanicum (too many projects on my head at the moment), but the model of Tech-Priest Dominus was obligatory to paint. There was no doubt about it. The model is simply awesome and it was pure pleasure to paint it. The complexity of this plastic sculpt is amazing. Games Workshop delivered a true piece of art. And only …

Painting Fever. Part 4

Oh, my… that was really long, unexpected break from painting. Many things stood on the way of efficient work. It’s probably too long and boring list of excuses to quote it here. I can only share one, but actually it’s part of the hobby too, so, let’s just say I’m excused. My excuse – I was painting a huge model. One of the biggest in my entire life probably. And it took me many hours, and believe me it’s still not finished. I would like to share all the progress and post WIP pictures, but it’s so close to finish line right now, so I decided to keep it until it’s done. What is it you ask? 🙂 Well, I’m going to keep it in secret for now and share it when it’s ready:). …and now, finally, after long, long break I got painting fever again. Today I have for you three minis painted during last two weeks. (I hope it’s going to be my permanent state, and fever will not get off). First is… …

Painting Fever. Volume 2

Ok. Time to sum up achievements of last few days. Well, more like weeks – because beside  few finishing touches on Queek Headtaker I haven’t painted in most efficient way. Two weeks and only 3 miniatures painted. Well, it could be better if you ask me, but still better this than nothing, right? 🙂 Today, I’d like to show you 3 models I was working on during past two weeks. Each of these three models is different and was chosen carefully to practice blending techniques with various selection of colours. On the other hand, if I would focus my efforts on one of my personal projects, the progress will be significant. The thing is, it would boring as hell. Diversification is the key. I paint what I would like to paint it particular moment – not what I must paint. So, three more models painted. Whenever I’m about to write the summary post like that, I feel like I’m little bit closer to completion. As long as I don’t acquire new models, the number unpainted …

Discworld will go on.

Usually when someone famous die, I’m not sad. I can’t be. I don’t have any feelings to that person, no personal attachment. What I feel, is some kind of confusion – It makes to ask myself and think: that person is really dead? Wow, I’m getting old – time is really marching on. Dead of Terry Pratchett though has affected me more than usual. He was one of my favourite writers, and I read almost all of his books, and even though I didn’t know  Terry Pratchett personally, I’m lost and confused with my life more than usual. Terry Pratchett and his work were with me during most of my life. I have read first Discworld series book ‘ Colour of Magic’ in 1994. It was published in parts in Polish magazine ‘Nowa Fantastyka’. I remember, I didn’t like it at first – it was too strange for me. I didn’t accept the style of Terry Pratchett and form of writing he used for the book. Mixture of hard fantasy and traditional British way of …