All posts filed under: Miniatures Painting

2019 Update

Well, that was a busy year, hobbywise. As usual, I guess… I got into way too many projects (both-personal and commissioned), and I was forced to balance everything. Hobby, work, family, travels… wrrr… And at the end, I found no time and place in my head to update this thing. I had no intention to abandon the blog for good, and I won’t, but probably it’s intended no to be updated so often… Shame on me:( …there will be updates though. Mostly about my recent painting jobs. No time for reports or other stuff. Too many things on my head… From now on, mostly photos and such… So what’s new on my side: Skaven   Wood Elves Goblins Necromunda Gang Escher … I painted definitely more stuff in 2019. I added most of it to The Gallery section of the blog.  For more often updates please follow me on Twitter and Instagram. Thank you:)

Travelling Miniatures 2019

The time passed so quick… it was almost like a blink of an eye… January, February and… boom! March already and I have to come back to Europe… 2,5 months later and here I am again. My beloved, but cold and rainy Warsaw… (at least I managed to escape most of the winter). As usual, half of my backpack was filled with miniatures, paints, brushes and other hobby related essentials. I even found the place for a tube with photo backdrops and a tripod for a camera. For real, if not the hobby stuff I dragged along, my luggage would be half as big as my current one. …but, who cares, right? Miniatures are big part of my life, and I couldn’t imagine a break from hobby for 2,5 months. This time we headed to Vietnam, and spent there most of the time here. It’s easy life here. We find a nice area to hang, comfortable hotel and we set up our camp for couple of weeks at least. And everything is just a breeze. …

A Tale of Seven Gamers – Stage One completed

Yay! I made it! I completed the first stage of local painting challenge we organized at the end of the October. The goal was simple: to complete 500 army points until the end of January 2019. To check all the rules of our game, check this link. …and I did it, no sweat;). The road was a bit bumpy. First of all, the models I pledged to the challenge arrived to me December 18th 2018. The second, Christmas season is crazy time for me filled with other obligations. So called, serious (you can call it: not hobby related) obligations. The third, I was between my journey to Thailand and my next trip to Vietnam.  Basically, that two weeks were all about cleaning, assembling, priming and prepering my hobby kit for another trip. And believe me, it’s really time consuming. Anyway, I beat those odds, and I’m here to brag with my creations. Glaxo Slimslom. The Goblin King Oh, bow before your King! The Everking of all goblins, The Ruler of Old World, The Liberator of …

Go west, go east…

That was a quick one😊 Yup, 40 days abroad is really short time actually. You just think it’s going to be forever and, all of the sudden, next week your flight back to Europe is due to departure. Thailand for the last 5 years, happened to me to be as sort of second homeplace. I’ve been there (if counting all trips together) 8 months in 7 separate visits. Awesome weather, friendly people, and amazing food. I could stay here for a really, really long time. And what’s equally important – the conditions for miniature painting are adequate. With me new USB rechargeable LED lamp, the job is really easy now. Even when jet-lagged, and awaken at 3 am, I cant turn the light on and get into painting real quick, without disturbing my lovely wife. This lamp is a real gamechanger. I just wonder, why I needed so many years to finally get myself one. Lesson to be learnt: if someone tells you a good advice –  do not hesitate, just go for it. I …

Personal projects tab

For the last couple of years I was working on a few personal projects of mine. And some of them are at certain stages of completion. So, instead to write several posts with the pictures and full description – I decided to set up separate tabs on the header menu. Each tab will lead you to the site about one of my projects. Pictures and background story. It’s going to be all there. Gathered in one place and easier to find. For starters – My Warhammer Fantasy Altdorf army. Here’s the link. Of course , it’s an on going thing. There are so many miniatures in my storage still waiting to be painted and I plan to do so. Next in line to cover are: Imperial Fists for Warhammer 40000 and Chaos for Warhammer Fantasy. I’ll inform you about any updates in separate posts. Cheers!

On the road again!

[I actually wrote most of this post Friday lat week, but the last couple of days were super crazy and I had a very little spare time to finish and publish it. Right now, I’m in Bangkok, Thailand in a lovely hotel, planning my next move here:)] Just a few days and I change scenery again. I say good bye to chilling, depressing Polish fall. Thailand will be the place for me for the next 40 days. Leaving this Sunday:) I don’t have any specific plans yet. Two things I know for sure. I will enjoy sun, sea and food big time. And I plan to paint a big bunch of miniatures. Oh, how exciting I am at the moment. Everything is already set up. Brushes selected, paints sorted, miniatures prepared. Gosh, I haven’t done this kind of preparation for a quite some time now.  I believe since the last time I was doing ‘the travelling painter’ thing it was 2015. Three long years passed. I lived in Spain for some time, I go back …

The Greenskinz are coming!

The painting challenge, I got into, is about to start, so it’s time to reveal my intentions. I got several unpainted armies in different states of completion. All miniatures are stored in boxes, cases or drawers, carefully organised by theme. There, are Undead, Dwarfs, Chaos, Chaos Dwarfs,  Space Orks…and a few more… they all should get my full attention one by one, slowly making a pile of unpainted lead a little bit smaller, but no… what I do?! I add another thing to the pile…Here I am -a self destructive hoarder 😉 It’s helpless case, so I don’t even pretend I’m able to do something with that. Luckily for me it’s not the point here. Instead let’s focus on my next big thing: The Waaghnificent Green Horde To be honest I always wanted to do this. And recently a few thighs happened that triggered the start. First, I mentioned the challenge I’m in – click here do read more about it. This is about painting honour. No retreat. Second, personal matter. Horde vs horde. My …

The slump is over. Part 1 (Recent paint jobs)

Well, it’s not what I excepted. The break, I mean. What the fudge?! I was over occupied with tons of other things, and all of the sudden – I find this huge gap on my blog. No updates for ages. Recently, I finally added the entry to the blog (after a few months of break), and right now I need to catch up with  writing and showing of my painting jobs. So, let’s sum things up for a start. Still living in Spain, in small town of Canet de Mar, about 30 km north of Barcelona. For now, me and my wife decided to give up on travelling for some time and focus more on work. And the settled life is opportunity for me to paint even more, to train my painting skills and finally to get some extra cash of painting commissions… …worry not. Soon, I’ll be on the road again (January 2018 if nothing unexpected will occur), and until then I’ll paint like crazy and try to be better painter. And believe me, …

Latest addition to my Blood Angels

Oh my, it was a long break. So much stuff to do (not necessary hobby related), and this blog was sent deep into oblivion. The priorities unfortunately were somewhere else. However, I haven’t made complete break from miniatures. I’m kind of addicted to painting them, so almost every day I sit over my workstation, lick my brushes and try to make something colourful. And during last few months I was able to paint quite a bunch of miniatures, and only gods know why I haven’t post them here. I was so overworked, and burnt out a bit, so the blog lost a priority, I guess. Anyway, I have a few models to brag about, so prepare for series of posts about my recent paint jobs. Starting now. First – latest squad for my Blood Angels army – Tactical Squad. I painted them a few weeks ago, and back then I was fresh after a couple of games of Warhammer 40k. Shameful games. Shameful because my army was unpainted. What a disgrace! I was justifying myself, …

December Painting Fever

Another batch of miniatures for sale ready. As usual in my summaries – I’m posting pictures and little ‘about’ text of three models I’ve painted recently. The first is… Adeptus Mechanicus Tech-Priest Dominus When Adeptus Mechanicus and Skitarii Codexes Wwarhammer 40000) were released I was super excited. Plus those awesome models! I was all into it, having uncontrolled urge to collect another army. Well, thankfully for my budget I got back to my senses, and I gave up on the idea. But a few months ago I had finished ‘Mechanicum’  book from Horus Heresy series and I got Mars fever all over again. This time I was pretty sure, there’s is not even slight chance to go for Mechanicum (too many projects on my head at the moment), but the model of Tech-Priest Dominus was obligatory to paint. There was no doubt about it. The model is simply awesome and it was pure pleasure to paint it. The complexity of this plastic sculpt is amazing. Games Workshop delivered a true piece of art. And only …