All posts tagged: painting miniatures

A Tale of Seven Gamers – Stage One completed

Yay! I made it! I completed the first stage of local painting challenge we organized at the end of the October. The goal was simple: to complete 500 army points until the end of January 2019. To check all the rules of our game, check this link. …and I did it, no sweat;). The road was a bit bumpy. First of all, the models I pledged to the challenge arrived to me December 18th 2018. The second, Christmas season is crazy time for me filled with other obligations. So called, serious (you can call it: not hobby related) obligations. The third, I was between my journey to Thailand and my next trip to Vietnam.  Basically, that two weeks were all about cleaning, assembling, priming and prepering my hobby kit for another trip. And believe me, it’s really time consuming. Anyway, I beat those odds, and I’m here to brag with my creations. Glaxo Slimslom. The Goblin King Oh, bow before your King! The Everking of all goblins, The Ruler of Old World, The Liberator of …

On the road again!

[I actually wrote most of this post Friday lat week, but the last couple of days were super crazy and I had a very little spare time to finish and publish it. Right now, I’m in Bangkok, Thailand in a lovely hotel, planning my next move here:)] Just a few days and I change scenery again. I say good bye to chilling, depressing Polish fall. Thailand will be the place for me for the next 40 days. Leaving this Sunday:) I don’t have any specific plans yet. Two things I know for sure. I will enjoy sun, sea and food big time. And I plan to paint a big bunch of miniatures. Oh, how exciting I am at the moment. Everything is already set up. Brushes selected, paints sorted, miniatures prepared. Gosh, I haven’t done this kind of preparation for a quite some time now.  I believe since the last time I was doing ‘the travelling painter’ thing it was 2015. Three long years passed. I lived in Spain for some time, I go back …

The Greenskinz are coming!

The painting challenge, I got into, is about to start, so it’s time to reveal my intentions. I got several unpainted armies in different states of completion. All miniatures are stored in boxes, cases or drawers, carefully organised by theme. There, are Undead, Dwarfs, Chaos, Chaos Dwarfs,  Space Orks…and a few more… they all should get my full attention one by one, slowly making a pile of unpainted lead a little bit smaller, but no… what I do?! I add another thing to the pile…Here I am -a self destructive hoarder 😉 It’s helpless case, so I don’t even pretend I’m able to do something with that. Luckily for me it’s not the point here. Instead let’s focus on my next big thing: The Waaghnificent Green Horde To be honest I always wanted to do this. And recently a few thighs happened that triggered the start. First, I mentioned the challenge I’m in – click here do read more about it. This is about painting honour. No retreat. Second, personal matter. Horde vs horde. My …

A Tale of Seven Gamers

A week ago during our Polish annual Oldhammer Weekend, me and my friend Adam had a little talk about our hobby ideas and what next will occupy our workstations. Adam wanted to proceed on his Halfling army project, and I was struggling between expanding my existing projects /my beloved Skaven feel so abandoned, so lonely – they need so much love!/ and starting something completely new. And to be honest, both of us were little bit cranky. We were just playing Warhammer for two long days, and were a bit tired of everything. But, man, those Halfling project got into my head. So, I thought –  I would love to see that. I need to see that! So there was no other option than to throw a challenge to Adam (without this he will probably never start this;). He will paint a fully playable 2000 points Warhammer FB army of Halflings, and I…will paint one of many ideas whirling in my head in recent weeks/months/years. The dare was sealed …and a long story short – …

Painting Fever. August-October 2017

Recent months were crazy busy for me. No matter what though – there was always free time to sit down by my desk and paint a model or two. Here’s the summary of my works from last three months. Glart Smashrip O.M.G. This fat rat is probably one of the most awesome miniatures ever released. The wickedness of this model is epic. And I’m telling you this as a big time Skaven fan. No objectivity here -just pure blind affection! Glart is fat. Glart is too fat, in fact. How’s he playing Blood Bowl is a mystery for me. He definitely has the strength, but very little speed and stamina;). The model itself represents, in my opinion, how the higher class of Skaven society could look like. I can see  fat Grey Seer or Warlock Engineer of Clan Skryre. Eating warpstone all day – everyrat would gain a few kilos on a diet like that, right? Too bad GW hasn’t released anything like that. Thankfully there’s Glart. I got him during the visit in Warhammer …

Chaos Dwarfs Daemonsmiths

December was really busy for me. First time since 2012 in Europe, and it meant tone of work for me. And in the hobby? Obviously, quite opposite. Barely no time for painting or gaming. The slump. And I hate those. Despite the obstacles I managed to work a bit. These three Chaos Dwarfs Sorcerers from Forge World are the only result of my December brush struggle. It’s better this than nothing, right? And that was close… (due to the overwork). I grabbed those three on one of the internet auctions site as a bulk deal of big batch of Forge World’s Chaos Dwarfs – including ordinary Chaos Dwarfs Warriors (Infernal Guard), Bull Centaurs and Bull Taurus. They were kept closed in the box for over the year, and I decided I should give them some love finally. These three Daemonsmiths were kind of training ground for me. I’m determined to gave up on washes. And if it’s not absolutely necessary, do not use them. Paint only. While I was painting those guys, I used few …

Goblin Trader, Madrid aka Land of Plenty (WOW!)

At the beginning of May I’ve been in Madrid for 5 days. It was our short stop between Mexico and Poland. As we never have been in Madrid, we’ve done lots of sightseeing with my wife, but as you can probably imagine my thoughts were concentrated on something completely different. For the first time since October 2014 I was in the city with so many shops, clubs and generally wargaming communities scattered around. After long stay in Central America and Mexico, Madrid seemed to me like a promised land. The best what I could get during that tine were few gaming shops in Mexico City, but comparing to European shops, their offer is limited. So, I was really anticipating the visit in a hobby store in Madrid, especially few of my paints were out, and also I was crying in despair for new brushes. I knew I don’t have too much time (I would be happy to visit all of places on wargaming map of Madrid:) and I need to choose at most two. My …

Portable Paint Station or other travelling/painting issues

My trip is almost over. 6 months of travel in few countries of Central America. Time to go home. At this moment I’m in Cancun – having some concluding thoughts of my journey. Cancun is my last stop on American soil – Sunday I’m heading Europe – first Madrid, Spain and a week later – Warsaw, Poland. It was fun for sure –  exiting, adventurous time, but I’m happy I’m going back – it’s little bit tiring to change places constantly, moving from hotel to hotel – and what most important (at least when it comes to the topic of this blog) being depended on limited palette, old brushes and not being able to buy new minis. Sometimes it’s even frustrating. In one week, I’m going to be in Poland – land of unlimited resources! For the last 6 months – that was my workstation. Gosh, it was hard to organize everything – paints, brushes, miniatures – but, I think I made it right (even it was trails & errors)v. I had only few “painting/travelling” …