All posts tagged: wh40k

Letters to The Blood God

Hey again! Everything is splendid here. Working slowly over my new project (pictures soon) and meanwhile I have my another finished project. Today, my beloved daemons of entire Warhammer Universe – The Bloodletters of Khorne! I was big fan of Khorne daemons since 4th WHFB edition and Chaos box set. I was pretty new to Warhammer setting, and Chaos was…simply…wow! All photos and illustrations were pretty big deal for me. Unfortunately, I was a young teenager with no funds to collect several armies at the same time (I was Dwarf guy these days), and Chaos was something out of my reach. Until release of 5th edition box – Realm of Chaos. That was a few years later, I got my first job and I can spend some extra money to get latest models of beastmen and daemons. Especially, this illustration by Mark Gibbons caught my attention. Yeah, late 1990s were Chaos years for me thanks to this guy:) Oh, man! The Bloodthrister daemon was a big deal for me! I bought one, and then the …

Latest addition to my Blood Angels

Oh my, it was a long break. So much stuff to do (not necessary hobby related), and this blog was sent deep into oblivion. The priorities unfortunately were somewhere else. However, I haven’t made complete break from miniatures. I’m kind of addicted to painting them, so almost every day I sit over my workstation, lick my brushes and try to make something colourful. And during last few months I was able to paint quite a bunch of miniatures, and only gods know why I haven’t post them here. I was so overworked, and burnt out a bit, so the blog lost a priority, I guess. Anyway, I have a few models to brag about, so prepare for series of posts about my recent paint jobs. Starting now. First – latest squad for my Blood Angels army – Tactical Squad. I painted them a few weeks ago, and back then I was fresh after a couple of games of Warhammer 40k. Shameful games. Shameful because my army was unpainted. What a disgrace! I was justifying myself, …

Battle Report: Warhammer 40k – Blood Angels vs Raven Guard (2000 points)

And the next battle report here. Warhammer 40000. My Blood Angels (once again) versus Raven Guard (commanded by my friend Miłosz). 2000 points. Game played as a part of ‘Fading Suns of Corinth Sector’ campaign. Unfortunately not all models were painted (especially on my side. shame on me), but I joined this campaign to train my Wh40k skills and I was so eager to do it, so I skipped my ‘only painted models’ resolution. Well, it was a choice:  this or I should wait another year or two (by looking at my progress in painting Warhammer 40000 miniatures). This is the last report with unpainted models. No more. Time to implement more strict policy. 2017’s resolution. The game was played in October 2016 in Faber Hobby Store in Warsaw, Poland. Scenario – Relics Gravity distortions and launch of next Necron generators had significant influence on the weather and tectonic movements. The whole continent were struck by terrible storms, strong winds and earthquakes. Each of the factions were after the answers, helping to understand those anomalies, …

Battle Report: Warhammer 40k – Blood Angels vs Imperial Guard (1250 points)

Another battle report. This time I’m back to Warhammer 40k universe to lead my Blood Angels against forces of Astra Militarum run by my friend Janek. We played in Warsaw hobby store: Bunkier. The battle itself was the part of ‘Fading Suns of Corinth Sector‘ campaign I joined to practice my Warhammer 40000 skills.  My army is not ready to be played yet. Majority of models are not painted and there shouldn’t be presented on the tabletop in any way. However, I thought if I would play in this campaign, I can made a painting challenge out of it. Simple one. Between the battles add some more painted models to the fielded force. Each battle – more and more. And eventually in final battle, The Blood Angels will be fully painted. Unfortunately, life writes different scenarios, and I got distracted by other miniatures, and I completely abandoned The Space Marines. It happens to me all the time. Too many cool models to be painted,no way to concentrate on one army… and therefore, I failed my …

December Painting Fever

Another batch of miniatures for sale ready. As usual in my summaries – I’m posting pictures and little ‘about’ text of three models I’ve painted recently. The first is… Adeptus Mechanicus Tech-Priest Dominus When Adeptus Mechanicus and Skitarii Codexes Wwarhammer 40000) were released I was super excited. Plus those awesome models! I was all into it, having uncontrolled urge to collect another army. Well, thankfully for my budget I got back to my senses, and I gave up on the idea. But a few months ago I had finished ‘Mechanicum’  book from Horus Heresy series and I got Mars fever all over again. This time I was pretty sure, there’s is not even slight chance to go for Mechanicum (too many projects on my head at the moment), but the model of Tech-Priest Dominus was obligatory to paint. There was no doubt about it. The model is simply awesome and it was pure pleasure to paint it. The complexity of this plastic sculpt is amazing. Games Workshop delivered a true piece of art. And only …

Back to Painting Fever

Hey hello! Finally! I’m back! After all these barren weeks with no brush in my hands, I got back on the right track again! Recent month were really crazy for me. I moved to Barcelona and this happened to be a quite time consuming enterprise. 2500 km drive by car, looking for a proper flat, arranging all paperworks issues, and finally connecting the internet. And bam! Yesterday, finally I managed to set up new workstation in my new home. For now it’s little bit rough – simply I took over a table and a chair, but to be frank I worked in way worse conditions. When the dust will settle, I’ll look for proper furnitures. For now…it’s enough – and I’m so excited to be able to paint again! So, it’s time to sum up my recent paint jobs. The first is… Vampire Count von Carstein What an awful model. Straight from 6th edition of WHFB era. The era where many the best models come from, but at the same time the worst as well. …

The Last Summer Painting Fever

OK. Carmine Dragon is finished and in about three days I’m going to Japan for almost two weeks. So, without any doubt – this is my last painting session before the trip. The small tradition is that in my regular Painting Fever post I have three miniatures to present. So, today I also have only two. I didn’t make to paint three before Japan… Starting from my first Age of Sigmar model… Orruk Weirdnob Shaman I prepared this model for one of the Warsaw’s hobby store painting competition. The deal was that you have to come to the store, buy any model you like and paint it. As I was after Orruk Weirdnob Shaman for quite a some time now, I entered the contest, simply to grab the opportunity to get this green guy. Well, if you follow my blog, and read my posts from time to time, you probably know my attitude to Age of Sigmar. Long story short –  I don’t get Rage of Sigmar, when I see or hear about it, but …

Painting Fever. Volume 2

Ok. Time to sum up achievements of last few days. Well, more like weeks – because beside  few finishing touches on Queek Headtaker I haven’t painted in most efficient way. Two weeks and only 3 miniatures painted. Well, it could be better if you ask me, but still better this than nothing, right? 🙂 Today, I’d like to show you 3 models I was working on during past two weeks. Each of these three models is different and was chosen carefully to practice blending techniques with various selection of colours. On the other hand, if I would focus my efforts on one of my personal projects, the progress will be significant. The thing is, it would boring as hell. Diversification is the key. I paint what I would like to paint it particular moment – not what I must paint. So, three more models painted. Whenever I’m about to write the summary post like that, I feel like I’m little bit closer to completion. As long as I don’t acquire new models, the number unpainted …

Summary of Painting Fever

For the last week (more like two weeks I think) I was painting like crazy. I was painting  during every spare moment I had. Waking up early in the morning, going to sleep late night. Well, from time to time I catch this painting fever and I can’t stop. …and to be honest, I feel good with that. Almost no time for any other leisure activities, just regular work, family life and paint, paint, paint… That’s life, I tell you that. If I could repeat that cycle all over again for longer period of time, I’d not complain at all. Painting with small dose of gaming activity took over my life by storm. And I’m glad – after one year of intensive work on wide and various ranges of miniatures, I can easily say – I can’t imagine any miniature, I wouldn’t like to paint. There are always some small things in every model I see I would like to work on. And I don’t think there’s something that would discourage me to do so. …

Battle Report: Warhammer 40k – Blood Angels vs Dark Angels (1500 points)

It’s been some time since the last battle report I wrote and I must say, I really missed that:). The next battle – Warhammer 40000 Blood Angels vs Jan’s Dark Angles 1500 points was part of our local narrative campaign – Fading Suns of Corinth Sector. First of the series of 6 to 8 battles. The story so far: Ancient race of Necrons set up their mysterious machinery that require massive amounts of power. Star after star was drained of the energy to fuel up the device. Mystery of fading  suns of Corinth caught attention of wise men from all over Empire. Several Space Marines chapters were sent to investigate. Greenskins followed them, hoping for  good fight…and Chaos… they have their own secret agenda there… Scenario My Blood Angels faced Dark Angels in the first turn of the campaign. 1500 points. Battle Forged Armies. Blood Angels defend in this battle. 50% of the army set up normally in the deployment zone. Second half is in the reserves and enter form the second turn with usual …